There will be updates to the BMA website in the future. The BMA Board will continue to utilize the site for timely and meaningful communication within the community. An update may include designated password protected pages for BMA only members
Protected: Lot 1 Project Request Approval
Protected: Lot 10 Project Request Approval
2020 Annual Meeting – July 18
The meeting minutes, 2020 BMA Bylaws and 2020 Water Usage Plan were posted to the website on July 25. The new annual maintenance assessment of $675.00 is due by August 30. The special assessment of $330.00 is due by September 1.
The annual meeting was conducted outdoors on Saturday, July 18 from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. An email notice was sent on June 27 with 3 attachments: annual meeting notice, agenda and a proxy form. The remaining annual meeting materials are posted to the website under Meetings tab.
Well #1 Submersible Pump Replacement Project
Please see the attached notice from Fred regarding the upcoming water system project. Since it remains uncertain when there can be a BMA meeting, there will be additional information sent about future water system projects. Take good care!