2020 Annual Meeting – July 18

The meeting minutes, 2020 BMA Bylaws and 2020 Water Usage Plan were posted to the website on July 25. The new annual maintenance assessment of $675.00 is due by August 30. The special assessment of $330.00 is due by September 1.

The annual meeting was conducted outdoors on Saturday, July 18 from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. An email notice was sent on June 27 with 3 attachments: annual meeting notice, agenda and a proxy form. The remaining annual meeting materials are posted to the website under Meetings tab.

Updates for BMA Meetings & Annual Assessment

The health and safety of the BMA community is the Board’s #1 priority.  It was hoped that in May we could safely resume both Special meeting #2 for the bulkhead follow-up and the 2020 Annual meeting.  That was an optimistic!

The Board debated virtually several options including a BMA virtual or outdoor (at a neighbor’s with social distancing) special meeting. Neither of these options met the criterion for effective communication for such an important topic as the bulkhead. As mentioned at the March 7 Special meeting, the follow-up would be for Q & A and to propose a vote on securing an engineering contract for the bulkhead.

At this time, given the Governor’s updated phase-in plan, the Board is hoping to have the in-person Special meeting # 2 in mid to late June with the same agenda.  Followed by the 2020 Annual scheduled shortly thereafter, on another Saturday, to conduct regular BMA business.

You may be asking, “What about the annual maintenance assessment due by June 1?”  Short answer:  If we can hold the Annual meeting in June, the annual assessment due date would be extended until July 1. There are adequate funds to allow this extension. Bylaw 8.3 allows the use of contingency funds for a shortfall between Annual meetings. Longer answer – there will be an annual assessment increase proposed to offset increases in several operating expenses (water & trail).  Of course, any change to the annual assessment (or special) must be approved by the membership.

The Board hopes this update is helpful and gives you information about BMA future plans.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to any Board member if you have questions!

In Other BMA New: April 27 BLC Walkthrough was held with a follow-up communication to homeowners. The steps down to the beach were enhanced through the efforts of several community members. Check it out! On May 4, the beach access trail received a make-over (contracted cutting) and look fabulous!

All BMA Meetings Postponed

The Board hopes this finds you and your family well during these unusual times. At the Board meeting on 3/24 (via Zoom) it was decided to postpone all previously scheduled BMA public meetings until further notice.  In addition to Governor Inslee’s Stay Home-Stay Healthy proclamation, the Board believes our decision to be in the community’s best interest. There will be no April 11 Special meeting or April 25 Annual meeting. Meetings will be rescheduled when it is safe to do so. Stay healthy and watch for the whales!